It consists of JIT purchasing and JIT production and results in lower investment requirements, space savings, greater customer satisfaction and increased flexibility.JIT aims for zero inventory and perfect quality and operates by demand-pull.5S (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardise and Sustain) is an approach to achieving and maintaining a high-quality work environment, and it is underpinned by the idea that there is ‘a place for everything, and everything goes in its place.’.Kaizen can be an effective way of reducing costs in processes (through kaizen costing).Kaizen focuses on making small, incremental changes to continuously improve the processes within an organisation.There are a number of specific tools that organisations can use to implement lean production systems, including:.The lean philosophy (lean) requires the organisation to focus on:.It involves identifying and eliminating all non-value-adding activities. Lean production is a philosophy of production that aims to minimise the amount of resources (including time) used in all activities of an enterprise.This has led to the development of lean systems. There is also constant pressure to reduce costs. To compete in today’s fast-moving, sophisticated world markets, organisations need to be innovative, flexible and be able to deal with short product life cycles.The Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM) is an accreditation about how well a company has managed its project.It allows an organisation to evaluate a single program, multiple programs, a single division or multiple divisions in comparable terms.Is an industry standard benchmarking process.The program management maturity model (PMMM) –.Identification of a need, Development of a proposed solution.These are often referred to as the “project triangle”. The primary ones are the trade-off between time, cost and quality. A project manager with leadership and communication skills.Quality requirements to be identified and measured.Identification of the required resources and any limitations or constraints with resources.It includes the management of the interrelationships between the various projects. Programme management is the overall direction and control of this portfolio of projects.A Programme is a portfolio of related projects that, together, help to achieve a strategic objective.

Once completed, a project should then become integrated into the normal day to day activities of the business.Resources like staff and funding are allocated specifically for the length of the project. A project has a defined beginning and end.A project is a unique undertaking to achieve a specific objective.Which of the following is correct for ‘Project’?.